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Npc. Acc Maker

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Dołączył: 24 Gru 2009
Posty: 5
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PostWysłany: Czw 20:57, 24 Gru 2009    Temat postu: Npc. Acc Maker

Witam skrypt nie jest mój:

Wchodzimy do data\npc i tworzymy plik Acc Maker.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<npc name="Acc Maker" script="data/npc/scripts/acc.lua" access="3">
   <look type="128" head="78" body="71" legs="82" feet="114"/>

Puźniej wchodzimy w data\npc\scripts i tworzymy plik acc.lua:
---little config-----------------------------------------
maxnamelen = 10
maxpasslen = 6
startlvl = 20
startexp = 42000
vocations = 1
healthstart = 1850
manastart = 350
depoitemid = 2591
promoted = 1
kmlvl = 4
kfist = 10
kclub = 10
ksword = 10
kaxe = 10
kdist = 10
kshield = 10
kfish = 10
kcap = 100
pmlvl = 8
pfist = 10
pclub = 10
psword = 10
paxe = 10
pdist = 10
pshield = 10
pfish = 10
pcap = 10
---drut i sorc----
mmlvl = 15
mfist = 10
mclub = 10
msword = 10
maxe = 10
mdist = 10
mshield = 10
mfish = 10
mcap = 10
---end skills -------------------------------
---end little config-----------------------------------------
focus = 0
talk_start = 0
target = 0
following = false
attacking = false
accstatus = 0
seksik = 3
myname = ''
mypass = ''
allow_pattern = '^[a-zA-Z0-9 -]+$'
origmsg = ''
mypasscheck = ''
mynamecheck = ''
vocation = 0

function onThingMove(creature, thing, oldpos, oldstackpos)


function onCreatureAppear(creature)


function onCreatureDisappear(cid, pos)
if focus == cid then
selfSay('Good bye then.')
focus = 0
talk_start = 0

function onCreatureTurn(creature)

function msgcontains(txt, str)
return (string.find(txt, str) and not string.find(txt, '(%w+)' .. str) and not string.find(txt, str .. '(%w+)'))

function onCreatureSay(cid, type, msg)
origmsg = msg
msg = string.lower(msg)

if (msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and focus == 0) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
selfSay('Witaj. Jestem tu aby pomoc ci stworzyc nowe konto i nowa postac. Jesli chcesz zaczac tworzenie kona to powiedz mi najpierw czy jestes facetem czy kobieta. --facet---kobieta--- ')
accstatus = 1
myname = ''
mypass = ''
myaccnumber = 0
focus = cid
talk_start = os.clock()

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'hi') and (focus ~= cid) and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
selfSay('Poczekaj, porozmawiam z toba za minutke')

elseif focus == cid then
talk_start = os.clock()

if accstatus == 1 then
if msgcontains(msg, 'facet') then selfSay('Dobrze przyjacielu. Teraz podaj mi swoje imie.')
seksik = 1
accstatus = 2
elseif msgcontains(msg, 'kobieta') then
selfSay('Dobrze moja droga, teraz podaj mi swoje imie.')
seksik = 0
accstatus = 2

elseif accstatus == 66 then
if msgcontains(msg, 'pall') then
vocation = 3
selfSay('Paladyn, tak ?')

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'sorc') then
vocation = 1
selfSay('Sorcerer, tak ?')

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'drut') then
vocation = 2
selfSay('Druid, tak ?')

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'knight') then
vocation = 4
selfSay('Knight, tak ?')
selfSay('Co tak mamroczesz, powiedz jeszcze raz.')

accstatus = 67

elseif accstatus == 2 then
myname = origmsg
mynamecheck = msg
if string.len(mynamecheck) <= maxnamelen then
if string.find(mynamecheck, allow_pattern) then
if io.open("data/players/"..myname..".xml" , "r") == nil then
selfSay('Chcesz miec na imie '..myname..' tak ?')
accstatus = 3
selfSay('To imie jest juz zarezerwowane !! Podaj inne, slucham')
selfSay('To imie zawiera niedozwolone znaki !! Podaj inne')
selfSay('To imie jest za dlugie !! Max to 10 znakow ! Podaj inne')
elseif msgcontains(msg, 'tak') then
if accstatus == 3 then
if vocations == 0 then
selfSay('Dobrze, teraz podaj mi haslo ktorego chcesz uzywac.')
vocation = 0
accstatus = 4
selfSay('Dobrze przyjacielu, teraz podaj czy chcesz byc --pall-- czy --sorc-- czy --drut-- czy --knight--.')
accstatus = 66
elseif accstatus == 5 then
if seksik == 0 then
selfSay('Wspaniale. Sprawdzmy jeszcze raz: Jestes kobieta o imieniu '..myname..' haslo do twojego konta brzmi '..mypass..'. Numer zostanie wylosowany na koncu. Czy wszystko sie zgadza ??')
selfSay('Wspaniale. Sprawdzmy jeszcze raz: Jestes facetem o imieniu '..myname..' haslo do twojego konta brzmi '..mypass..'. Numer zostanie wylosowany na koncu. Czy wszystko sie zgadza ??')
accstatus = 6
elseif accstatus == 6 then
selfSay('Doskonale. Czy mozemy przystapic do losowania numeru? --losowanie--bye---')
accstatus = 7
elseif accstatus == 67 then
selfSay('Doskonale. Teraz powiedz jakie chcesz miec haslo.')
accstatus = 4
elseif msgcontains(msg, 'nie') then
if accstatus == 3 then
selfSay('Podaj inne, slucham')
accstatus = 2
elseif accstatus == 5 then
selfSay('Podaj inne, slucham')
accstatus = 4
elseif accstatus == 6 then
selfSay('Zacznijmy od poczatku: Jestes facetem czy kobieta --facet--kobieta--')
accstatus = 1
elseif accstatus == 67 then
selfSay('Ehhh wiec powiedz jeszcze raz - jaka profesje chcesz miec ?')
accstatus = 66
elseif accstatus == 4 then
mypass = origmsg
mypasscheck = msg
if string.len(mypasscheck) <= maxpasslen then
if string.find(mypasscheck, allow_pattern) then
selfSay('Twoje haslo bedzie brzmialo '..mypass..' tak ?')
accstatus = 5
selfSay('To haslo zawiera niedozwolone znaki !! Podaj inne')
selfSay('To haslo jest za dlugie !! Max to 6 znakow ! Podaj inne')

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'losowanie') and accstatus == 7 then
if manastart == 0 then
manastartc = 1
manastartc = manastart
if healthstart == 0 then
healthstartc = 1
healthstartc = healthstart
if vocations == 0 then
mlvl = 1
fist = 10
club = 10
sword = 10
axe = 10
dist = 10
shield = 10
fish = 10
cap = 100
if vocation == 1 or vocation == 2 then
mlvl = mmlvl
fist = mfist
club = mclub
sword = msword
axe = maxe
dist = mdist
shield = mshield
fish = mfish
cap = mcap

elseif vocation == 3 then
mlvl = pmlvl
fist = pfist
club = pclub
sword = psword
axe = paxe
dist = pdist
shield = pshield
fish = pfish
cap = pcap
elseif vocation == 4 then
mlvl = kmlvl
fist = kfist
club = kclub
sword = ksword
axe = kaxe
dist = kdist
shield = kshield
fish = kfish
cap = kcap


myaccnumber = math.random(100000,999999)
if io.open("data/accounts/"..myaccnumber..".xml" , "r") == nil then
selfSay('wylosowano poprawny numer '..myaccnumber..' Powedz --dalej--')
accstatus = 8
f = assert(io.open("./data/accounts/"..myaccnumber..".xml", "w"))
f = io.open("./data/accounts/"..myaccnumber..".xml", "w")
f:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><account pass=\""..mypass.."\" type=\"1\" premDays=\"666\"><characters><character name=\""..myname.."\"\/><\/characters><\/account>")

f = assert(io.open("./data/players/"..myname..".xml", "w"))
f = io.open("./data/players/"..myname..".xml", "w")
f:write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><player name=\""..myname.."\" account=\""..myaccnumber.."\" sex=\""..seksik.."\" lookdir=\"3\" exp=\""..startexp.."\" voc=\""..vocation.."\" level=\""..startlvl.."\" access=\"0\" cap=\""..cap.."\" maglevel=\""..mlvl.."\" lastlogin=\"0\" premticks=\"0\" promoted=\""..promoted.."\" banned=\"0\"><spawn x=\"160\" y=\"54\" z=\"7\"\/><temple x=\"160\" y=\"54\" z=\"7\"\/><skull type=\"0\" kills=\"0\" ticks=\"0\" absolve=\"0\"\/><health now=\""..healthstart.."\" max=\""..healthstartc.."\" food=\"1000\"\/><mana now=\""..manastartc.."\" max=\""..manastartc.."\" spent=\"1\"\/><look type=\"134\" head=\"77\" body=\"79\" legs=\"78\" feet=\"77\"\/><skills><skill skillid=\"0\" level=\""..fist.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"1\" level=\""..club.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"2\" level=\""..sword.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"3\" level=\""..axe.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"4\" level=\""..dist.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"5\" level=\""..shield.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><skill skillid=\"6\" level=\""..fish.."\" tries=\"0\"\/><\/skills><spells><spell words=\"utevo lux\"\/><\/spells><deaths\/><inventory><slot slotid=\"1\"><item id=\"2475\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"3\"><item id=\"1988\"><inside><item id=\"2160\" count=\"1\"\/><\/inside><\/item><\/slot><slot slotid=\"4\"><item id=\"2476\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"6\"><item id=\"2392\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"7\"><item id=\"2477\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"8\"><item id=\"2643\"\/><\/slot><slot slotid=\"10\"><item id=\"2536\"\/><\/slot><\/inventory><depots><depot depotid=\"1\"><item id=\""..depoitemid.."\"><inside><item id=\"2594\"\/><\/inside><\/item><\/depot><\/depots><storage><data key=\"777\" value=\""..seksik.."\"\/><\/storage><\/player>")
selfSay('Blad. Wylosowany numer juz istnieje. Powiedz jeszcze raz --losowanie-- aby losowac ponownie. Nie przejmuj sie, to sie czesto zdarza.')

elseif msgcontains(msg, 'dalej') and accstatus == 8 then
selfSay('Twoj numer to: '..myaccnumber..' Haslo do tego konta brzmi: '..mypass..' . Nie zapomnij tych passow !! To bylby juz koniec tworzenia twojego konta. Mozesz sie zalogowac i grac !!')
accstatus = 0

elseif string.find(msg, '(%a*)bye(%a*)') and getDistanceToCreature(cid) < 4 then
selfSay('Good bye, ' .. creatureGetName(cid) .. '!')
focus = 0
accstatus = 0
myname = ''
mypass = ''
myaccnumber = 0
seksik = ''
talk_start = 0

function onCreatureChangeOutfit(creature)


function onThink()
if (os.clock() - talk_start) > 30 then
if focus > 0 then
selfSay('Nastepny prosze')
focus = 0
if focus ~= 0 then
if getDistanceToCreature(focus) > 5 then
selfSay('Do zobaczenia')
focus = 0

Tam gdzie jest
<spawn x=\"160\" y=\"54\" z=\"7\"\/>
To gdzie masz pierwszy raz się pojawić, a gdzie jest
<temple x=\"160\" y=\"54\" z=\"7\"\/>
To gdzie ja dedniesz to sie pojawisz

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